JK Cloud Accounting Background


The price for filing a self-assessment starts from £85

Tax Refund based on P60 or P45: from £48

Prices below do not include any administration fees and start from:

  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Maternity Allowance
  • Sure Start Maternity Grant
  • Child Benefit
  • Housing Benefit

Our Payroll services monthly price depend on the number of employees. Prices start from:

1 – 5 employees £48
6 – 10 employees £72
Over 10 employees individual

We offer a wide range of services for Ltd Companies. The prices depend on the company turnover and other factors.

Filing Fee: from  £120

Accounts Preparation Fee:

Turnover Fee
£0.00 – £10,000 from £36
£10,001 – £20,000 from £72
£20,001 – £30,000 from £144
£30,001 – £40,000 from £216
Over £40,000 from £288

Fees for other services will tend to be estimated in terms of time spent, from the following rates:

Bookkeeping £250 per day £35 per hour
Accounting Support £400 per day £50 per hour
Consulting £600 per day £75 per hour

Please note that all fees are subject to VAT at the standard rate, currently 20%.

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